Minister of Humanitarian launches National Disaster Reduction Forum in Mogadishu

Minister of Humanitarian launches National Disaster Reduction Forum in Mogadishu

The Ministry of Humanitarian and Disaster Management today launched the National Disaster Risk Reduction Forum, 
which is working on a mission at Mogadishu's Aden Abdulle International Airport.
The launch was attended by the Minister of Humanitarian and Disaster Management, hon. Khadijo Mohamed Diriye, and officials from the Ministries that work together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Health, 
some Director of the Department of Relief and Disaster Management and officials from the United Nations Disaster Management.

Mr. Mohamed Abukar Ahmed, the Director General of the Ministry of Humanitarian and Disaster Management said that the conference is of special importance to the Somali community, 
and that important issues need to be addressed.
The launch of the Disaster Risk Reduction Consultation at the inauguration ceremony was attended by the Deputy Minister of Humanitarian and Disaster Management and other members.

The Minister of Humanitarian  and Disaster Management, hon. Khadijo Mohamed Diriye, addressed the forum on the impact and risks of the disaster, 
and the need for a solution.

At the end of the forum, a research report is expected to be issued on the recurring disasters in the country and how to address them.


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