Minister’s Message

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MoHADM) was established by the government of President Mohamed Abdullahi [Farmaajo] and Prime Ministern Abdi Ali Khayre in March 2017,in response to the severe drought in Somalia. MoHADM is responsible for the development of effective mechanisms to be able to coordinate, monitor, evaluate and share information on emergency operations throughout the country. The aim of the of the MoHADM is to lead the response to the humanitaian crisis in the country and to improve the lives of vulnerable groups such as internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees.

More over, Somalia continues to be vulnerable to drought, flood, disease epidemic and conflict, which causes great losses, damage and suffering. In 2011, Somalia faceda famine, where two consecutive poor rain seasons, tipped the balance of already precarious conditions resulting in almost a quarter of a million deaths.

In the present time Somalia is facing yet another severe draught with similar magnitude to 2011 but the government together with the Somali people inside and outside the country are committed to respond to the current draught situation and try averting famine situation. The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management is the lead national institution responsible for humanitarian aid and emergency response coordination. International community members such as the UN, the OIC, INGOs,local NGOs have also contributed greatly to lessen impact of the draught.


Due to the multi-sectoral nature of the humanitarian affairs, disaster risk reduction, emergency response and recovery, the key functions of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MoHADM) would involve; policy and planning, capacity development, disaster information management, intersectoral coordination to integrate disaster risk reduction into development plans/programs, and organization of emergency response, recovery and reintegration.


To transform Somalia into a fair, safer and resilient society where the impact of hazards would not hamper development and a better quality of life is achieved through effective emergency response, disaster risk reduction and resilient recovery.