Ministry of humanitarian affairs and disaster management launches Country Humanitarian Forum – Somalia

Ministry of humanitarian affairs and disaster management launches Country Humanitarian Forum – Somalia

he Ministry of Humanitarian and Disaster Management today launched the Country Humanitarian Forum - Somalia, 
organized three times a year by the Ministry of Humanitarian and Disaster Management of the Federal Government of Somalia.

His Excellency Mohamed Hussein Roble, Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia, today inaugurated the Country Humanitarian Forum Somalia -CHF.
At the forum, which was attended by member states of the Federal Government and the Benadir Regional Administration as part of the Somali Humanitarian Forum, 
representatives of the international community and aid agencies, Prime Minister Roble said the expected rains failed due to food shortages and drought, 
resulting in a deteriorating humanitarian situation.

The Minister of Relief and Disaster Management, hon. Khadijo Mohamed Diriye, called on all to work together to contribute to the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Somalia.

Finally, a statement was issued by the Somali Humanitarian Forum.

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